Magento 2 error Current version of RDBMS is not supported.

By | October 3, 2022
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Magento 2 error Current version of RDBMS is not supported. Used Version: 10.1.37-MariaDB. Supported versions: MySQL-8, MySQL-5.7, MariaDB-(10.2-10.4)

We can fix and solve it by following way.

Edit file app/etc/di.xml

You can specify acceptable MariaDB versions here – currently 10.2-10.4

Example to allow MariaDB 10.5

<item name="MariaDB-(10.2-10.5)" xsi:type="string">^10\.[2-5]\.</item>

Another way:

Go to Vendor/Magento/Framework/DB/Adapter/SqlVersionProvider.php

Update function getVersionString and replace line

$sqlVersionOutput = $this->fetchSqlVersion($resource);


$sqlVersionOutput = ‘10.2.37-MariaDB’;

This is temporary solution. So you should consider to update mysql version.