How to fix SSL redirect issues with Magento behind load balancer

By | April 5, 2024
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Fixing SSL redirect issues with Magento behind a load balancer typically involves configuring the load balancer, updating Magento settings, and ensuring proper SSL termination. Here’s a general guide to help you resolve this issue:

  1. Check Load Balancer Configuration:
    • Ensure that your load balancer is correctly configured to handle SSL termination. SSL termination is the process of decrypting SSL/TLS traffic at the load balancer and forwarding unencrypted traffic to the backend servers.
    • Configure the load balancer to forward both HTTP and HTTPS traffic to the Magento backend servers.
    • Make sure that the load balancer is passing the original client IP address to Magento, especially if you’re using features like GeoIP or logging.
  2. Magento Configuration:
    • Update the base URL settings in Magento to reflect the HTTPS protocol. You can do this through the Magento Admin Panel under Stores > Configuration > General > Web.
    • Set the “Base URLs” and “Secure Base URLs” to use HTTPS.
    • Ensure that the “Auto-redirect to Base URL” option is set to “Yes (301 Moved Permanently)” under the “URL Options” section.
  3. Update .htaccess (if using Apache):
    • If you’re using Apache web server, you may need to update the .htaccess file in the Magento root directory.
    • Add the following lines to force HTTPS redirection:
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
    SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto https HTTPS=on


  4. Check Magento Cache:
    • After making changes, clear the Magento cache to ensure that the changes take effect. You can do this through the Magento Admin Panel or by running commands if you have SSH access to your server.
  5. Test:
    • Test your Magento website by accessing it through HTTP and HTTPS URLs to ensure that redirection is working as expected.
    • Use tools like curl or browser developer tools to inspect the HTTP headers to confirm that redirects are happening correctly.
  6. Monitor:
    • Monitor your website and server logs for any issues or errors related to SSL redirection.
    • Keep an eye on server resources to ensure that SSL termination at the load balancer isn’t causing performance issues.
  7. SSL Certificate:
    • Ensure that the SSL certificate installed on the load balancer is valid and trusted by all major browsers.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix SSL redirect issues with Magento behind a load balancer. If problems persist, consider consulting Magento documentation or seeking assistance from Magento experts or your hosting provider.