How to generate UPS Rest API Client ID and Secret Key ?

By | April 6, 2024
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To generate UPS API credentials (Client ID and Secret Key), you typically need to register for an account on the UPS Developer Portal and then create an application. Here’s a general guide on how to generate UPS API credentials:

  1. Sign Up or Log In to UPS Developer Portal:
    • If you haven’t already, go to the UPS Developer Portal: UPS Developer Portal
    • Sign up for a new account or log in if you already have one.
  2. Navigate to “My Account”:
    • Once logged in, navigate to the “My Account” section.
  3. Create New Application:
    • In the “My Account” section, find the option to create a new application. It might be labeled as “Create New Application” under my apps.
  4. Fill in Application Details:
    • Provide the necessary details for your application, such as name, description, website URL, etc. Make sure to choose the appropriate UPS APIs you intend to use.
  5. Generate API Credentials:
    • After creating the application, UPS should provide you with the API credentials (Client ID and Secret Key) associated with your application.
  6. Note Down Credentials:
    • Once generated, make sure to note down your Client ID and Secret Key. These credentials are usually needed to authenticate your requests when using UPS APIs.
  7. Secure Your Credentials:
    • Treat your UPS API credentials with care. Keep them secure and do not expose them publicly. Consider using environment variables or secure vaults to store them in your application.
  8. Start Using UPS APIs:
    • With your credentials in hand, you can now start integrating UPS APIs into your application. Make sure to refer to the UPS Developer documentation for the specific API you’re working with for usage instructions.
  9. Test Your Integration:
    • Before deploying your application to production, it’s a good practice to thoroughly test your integration with UPS APIs in a staging environment.
  10. Monitor Usage and Maintain Credentials:
    • Keep track of your API usage and make sure to renew or update your credentials as necessary. UPS might have policies regarding the expiration or renewal of API credentials.

Remember, this is a general guide, and the exact steps might vary slightly depending on updates or changes made by UPS to their developer portal or API access process. Always refer to the official UPS Developer documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.