Magento 2 Elastic Search Vs Open Search difference and usages

By | April 10, 2024
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Magento 2, an e-commerce platform, supports both ElasticSearch and OpenSearch for its search functionality. Here are the key differences and usages:

  1. Elasticsearch:
    • Elasticsearch is an open-source search and analytics engine built on top of Apache Lucene. It’s known for its speed, scalability, and distributed architecture.
    • Magento 2 initially integrated Elasticsearch as its default search engine, providing fast and accurate search results for products.
    • Elasticsearch offers a wide range of features including full-text search, real-time data ingestion, analytics, and more.
    • It has a large community and extensive documentation, making it relatively easier for developers to implement and customize.
  2. OpenSearch:
    • OpenSearch is a fork of Elasticsearch initiated by AWS after some changes in the licensing and ownership structure of Elasticsearch. It’s fully open-source and maintained by a community of contributors.
    • OpenSearch aims to provide users with a vendor-neutral and community-driven alternative to Elasticsearch.
    • As of Magento 2.4.3, OpenSearch became the default search engine replacing Elasticsearch due to licensing reasons.
    • Functionally, OpenSearch is very similar to Elasticsearch, offering powerful search capabilities, scalability, and ease of use.

Key Differences:

  1. Licensing:
    • Elasticsearch started as an open-source project but later changed its licensing model, which led to the creation of OpenSearch as a fork to maintain an open-source alternative. Elasticsearch’s licensing changes have made some users and companies cautious about its usage due to potential licensing restrictions.
    • OpenSearch is developed under the Apache 2.0 license, ensuring it remains open and free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.
  2. Ownership and Governance:
    • Elasticsearch is owned and maintained by Elastic NV, a company that provides commercial services around Elasticsearch, including enterprise features and support.
    • OpenSearch is a community-driven project hosted by the OpenSearch Foundation, which includes a diverse group of contributors and stakeholders.
  3. Support and Ecosystem:
    • Elasticsearch has a well-established ecosystem with a wide range of plugins, integrations, and commercial support options available through Elastic NV.
    • OpenSearch, being relatively newer, is rapidly growing its ecosystem with contributions from various companies and developers. It’s expected to offer similar levels of support and integrations over time.


  • Both Elasticsearch and OpenSearch serve as powerful search engines suitable for various applications including e-commerce platforms like Magento 2.
  • They can handle large volumes of data, provide fast search results, and support advanced search features such as faceted search, autocomplete, synonyms, and more.
  • Developers and businesses can choose between Elasticsearch and OpenSearch based on factors like licensing preferences, support needs, and ecosystem considerations. Since both offer similar functionality, migration between them may not be too difficult for Magento 2 users.

Overall, whether you choose Elasticsearch or OpenSearch for your Magento 2 store depends on your specific requirements, preferences, and considerations regarding licensing, support, and ecosystem.